Kamis, 29 Januari 2009


Everyone can see
There's a change in me
They all say I'm not the same
Kid I use to be

Don't go out and play
I just dream all day
They don't know what's wrong with me
And I'm too shy to say

It's my first love
What I'm dreaming on
When I go to bed
When I lay my head upon my pillow
Don't know what to do

My first love
He thinks that I'm too young
He doesn't even know
Wish that I could tell him what I'm feeling
'cause I'm feeling my first love

Mirror on the wall
Does he care at all
Does he ever notice me
Does he ever found

Tell me teddy bear
My love is so unfair
Will I ever found away
An answer to my pray
For my first love...


ALOOOOOOOOOW2x cMuanya....
Lam KeNal youwww...
tinkQyu yaw udh bKa bloq Qyu...k3nalin niEch nama Qu Setiana,, klow maUx pAnggiL Tyax ja Yaw...oTRE??!!Qu nax spenda nicH aliyaZZ SMP Duo...Q kLazz 9...bintAN9 qUWH phyrgoo,,he_he_he_he...Quwh Lahir dy PexaL_City...aLIYazz kUtho pEkaLongan koTA bUatixx...
Lhir dGan cLamat pDa tggAl 20 SeptEmber 1994...
udh Duyuw Agh prKnalan DRy Qyu...Thaa_Thaa